Wednesday, March 16, 2011

In Search Of.....

When we started this site, I new there were an awful lot of flavours, types, shapes and makes to choose from, but in posting the choices of others, I'm listing so many new varieties and that I've never heard of. This is giving me somewhat of a headache as I can't help but think there are still packets that I haven't yet had the pleasure of trying... and maybe, just maybe, one of these un-tasted crisps would knock from the pedestal my chosen 'One'.......(or two?)
So, I've decided to try and seek out some of these 'Holy Grails' just to be on the safe side. So here's 3 that I've heard of this week that I think I'm really going to have to go in search of...

1.    Wasabi Pringles - There's just something about this combination that I can't help but think its going to be a winner. What do you reckon?

2.   Kent Crisps - Oyster and Vinegar - just curious about these little beauties...

3.  Seabrooks - Mustard (Hot English) - I can almost imagine these in a bacon sandwich. In fact, I think the combination could replace the BLT as a lunchtime 'Weatherspoon'  bar snack!
If you can think or suggest any others that I should be setting my sights on then please leave a comment and i'll add them to the wish list. In the meantime, If I find any of these three above, i'll be sure to post my opinion!

Happy snacking

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