Wednesday, March 23, 2011

RND Pos'crisp't

Following last weeks 'RND Crisp-Off' between the 4 Red Nose Day flavours I felt compelled to add a postscript to the blog after the results were announced. While I agree wholeheartedly with my crisp aficionado colleagues sentiments, I feel that we still have to announce which one out of the 4 was the best..... (drum-roll please...)
The group concluded that Mr Stephen Fry's 'Fry Up' crisps took the top slot in the competition. However, none of the participants in the crisp-off felt that any of the flavours would make it into their Desert Island Crisp selections.

The only thing left to add is that despite the flavours not going down too well with us, they did obviously go down well with the general public. Walkers managed to donate over £1.2million to this years record breaking total of £74.3million.
If you want to see what the forfeit was for the 3 loosing comics  Click here and have a laugh on them !

Stay crunchy

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