Saturday, February 19, 2011

Merseyside Muncher....

Hi Luke and we go

Ok, after numerous discussions on what actually consitutes a crisp, my list is a mixture of that lovely potato fried comfort food that is a proper crisp and lil snack ones that you cant do without.

8. Skips - love the melt on your tongue effect, and I'm conviced they do give you some omega 3 (prawn cocktail flavour, obviously)
7. Plain Hula Hoops - like potato but not really? Nice n crunchy - if you dont put one on each finger and bite off then you are simply missing out!
6. Walkers French Fries - boss - feel like your eating chips but only 97 calories a bag - I crunch them down like a squiral and nearly chomp me fingers off!
5. Cheetos (nobbly ones) - this are in America only I think, they resemble cheesy nicnaks and are so orange they stain your fingers for a few hours! Nutrition at its best lol
4. Beef McCoys - remind me of drunken sunday sessions, after too many bevvies in the pub these are the only things you can eat (if the kitchen is already shut)
3. Boots Hand cooked vegy crisps - ok maybe a crime to the crisp lovers, but I am a lady and do watch my weight so Im sure these are one of my five a day and a bit of a change from a potato!
2. Meanies - maybe just a northern thing, I remember them being 5p a bag, pickled onion flavouring that made my lil nose run and my eyes water, great green packaging, made you think u were buying a bag of slime - any kid's dream!
1.Walkers Cheese and Onion - I love these best crunched onto a Ham and Mustard Butty - yum! YA CANNY BEAT EM!

Good Luck with it all!!!

Nadine (Liverpool via Peterborough lol ) xxxxx

1 comment:

  1. Wow Nadine, thank you for such a beautiful entry; if anyone has captured the essence of our blog, it is you. Crisps have been there since we were in shorts and inform our little lives, different flavours and strengths taking you to favourite time's in one's life.

    Beef McCoys, now there's a real heavyweight crisp. They could soak up a spilt pint like a top-end piece of kitchen roll

    Hula Hoops. You're the first to promote these bunnies. I preferred the salt & vinegar varitey again but anything you can play with aswell is a bonus.

    International and regional entries are highly valued. I suggest we reconnitoire crisps from abroad and feature them here. Sample crips from all four corners of the circular globe my crisp-buddies. We will discuss them here.

    And Skips, a good, strong bag. Molten, melty, maise. Woof! Nice one Nadine for getting them on the radar
