Sunday, February 20, 2011

Marmite Crisps?

Greetings Crisp-lovers, Greetings from us to you..

Thank you to all of you who have already supported out fledgling blog with your crisp-related comments and MOST IMPORTANTLY your sacred 8 favourite crisp varieties. It's early days yet, our medieval period you could say, but already it's obvious to all that the humble crisp can evoke discussion, debate, humour and passion in a way that no other potato-based snack can. But before I go further, here for you are my favourite 8, the 'chips off the old block' if you will, in no particular order (yet)..

  • plain Walkers - the design classic
  • pickled onion Monster Munch - El Rey, the King. Oh! to have been at the meeting where they came up with that one
  • Nice 'n' Spicy Niknaks - the ale drinkers armory, packing flavour to balance the hops
  • Salt & Vinegar Discos - reliably strong in flavour throughout the 70's & 80's
  • Murphy's Crisps, salt & vinegar - real punch packers in the malt and salt category
  • Frazzles - nuff said. The word just fizzes with fake bacon flavour
  • Cheesy Wotsits - ok, maise-based but just the most fun. They're what the Jetsons would eat, wouldn't they?
  • and finally, salt & vinegar Chipsticks: how many could you get in one mouthful? 

Feels pretty permanent putting this lot out there for your perusal. No going back. And if the proverbial wave were to crash upon my island shelter and take all but one of my bags down to Davy Jones's locker, which one would I desperately save? Pickled Onion Monster Munch of course. What better reminder of my lost civilisation is there?

Sunday evening, as it is, means many things to me and no doubt to you too, but particularly relevant to this site is that our Mother-programme - we are the atoll to her Big Island - has once again broadcast another of it's illuminating insights into the mind of a celebrity, sportsman, performer, Capitan of industry, politician or some such other personage. Today, Lawrence Dallaligio, who whilst being beautifully frank and honest, and selecting uplifting tunes to reflect that feeling, also chose Marmite (other yeast-related spreads are available but try-as-they-might, they're not Marmite) as his luxury object - a bloomin' great big jar of it. So, whilst reflecting on his musicical choices and life-story, I found myself drifting away and thinking about Marmite crisps! I saw a man in Waitrose yesterday with a bag at the front of his shopping basket, like the ensign on a ship, and thus emboldened, today set out to get some. Alas, not in the Deeping's. So, my crisp-related mission this week is to indulge myself in some of these beauties.

What do you think, humble reader: Marmite crisps, right or wrong?

Send your answers on a postcard now to Desert Island

Lot's of salty love,


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