Wednesday, March 23, 2011

This weeks taste sensations...

Following the RND tasting and the lure of unknown crisps I decided to break from the norm over this last week and try some old favourites and hunt down something new to try.
First up on the list was an old favourite of mine, Spicy Tomato Wheat Crunchies. Now I know that spicy tomato isn't everybody's cup of tea, but I have to say, out of all the tomato flavour snacks, the added 'spicy' to this crisp certainly gives it the edge.
Next was a little journey into the world of Tyrrells Crisps. Having seen a few entries to Desert Island Crisps raving about these I thought it was time to hunt some down and give them a try. The 2 flavours I chose to sample were 'Mature Cheddar and Chives' and 'Pork and Apple'...
...and I'm so glad I did! The 'posh cheese and onion' crisps were thin, very crunchy (without those painful sharp bits you get with kettle chips) and were full of flavour. The chives were not overpowering and complemented the mature cheese taste. Verdict: Definite contenders
Now... I didn't know quite what to expect with the Pork and Apple packet. Maybe a smokey bacon type flavour with added 'fake' apple... But I wasn't quite prepared for what actually came out of the bag...
They were good, and when I say good, I mean extremely good. The pork wasn't at all 'bacony' as I thought they would be and the apple, although very subtle, worked really well in a crisp form. Verdict: A new favourite
Going back to the RND flavours of last weeks crisp-off, it is evident that the manufacturers are able to create all sorts of flavours, which DO actually taste of what they say they should. The big question is 'Do they actually work as crisps'? Unfortunately for the Walkers RND flavours, tasting like the intended flavours did not make them fantastic crisps.
...which brings me to my final bag of crisps this week. Red Sky Roasted Red Pepper and Lime.
Unfortunately these didn't do it for me. The Red Pepper didn't taste of 'Red' pepper just 'pepper' and the lime was far too strong. Having said that, it didn't stop me from finishing the whole bag! 
The crisps themselves were also incredibly loud! I think I might start a special blog section for loud crisps, you know the ones that other people seem to eat on the bus or in the library, as I think these could be worthy cup winners..

'Stay classy San Diego'

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