Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Golden Oldies ?!?!

Hey yar..

Look what I found lurking at the back of the rack of crisps in my local corner shop... 3 for a quid. Bargain Bucket Crisps! Result! Well, seeing as we haven't received anymore top 8 choices, we may as well keep filling our faces and reviewing what we're troughing on.

Golden Wonder - The crisps I grew up with (but not with one of these flavours)... So i just had to try them and pass on my opinion, whether you like it or not...

Cheese and Onion - Golden Wonder are heralded as being the promotors of this flavour back in 1962 after the flavour was first conceptualised by Tayto in the Republic of Ireland. I'm surprised that Deano at ablogaboutcrisps hasn't picked up on this fact yet! Anyway, so to the crisps. They were good, in fact I would go as far as saying surprisingly enjoyable. My dad tells me that this is because Golden Wonder use a particular variety of potato which is known for its low moisture content (or something like that, I'll have to ask him one day to write a post on it) They were very crunchy and to be honest a little sharp on the palette at times. The flavour was very light, not as pungent in the bag as some of the mature cheddar flavours that are about. I would have no worry in scoffing a bag of these then talking up close with someone. I think we'll have to have a proper 'crisp-off' with all the different makes of Cheese and Onion soon. Personally they didn't quite do it for me, nice though they were, they lacked the kick of flavour that I like in a Cheese and Onion.

Chip Shop Curry - well, where do you start with these...First I think I have to distinguish between 'chip shop curry' and 'curry'. As anyone who frequents the local curry house can tell you, 'Curry' comes in all strengths and flavours; from Korma's to Phal's and Tikka's to Dhansak's. However, Chip Shop Curry (sauce) doesn't actually taste like anything from a curry house! The fruity tangy curry sauce from the chippy has been accurately reproduced with these crisps. A slight 'mango chutney' fragrance to the bag upon opening reassured me that I wasn't going to be tucking into a Phal. Again, I found these Golden Wonder crisps to be sharper than your average fried potato slice, but the flavour didn't disappoint. Doubt they'll make it into my Desert Island Crisps, but then again, could I live the rest of my days on a Desert Island without having an occasional curry....? I'm afraid the jury's till out on that one.

Happy snacking

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